Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Monday, February 9

Need a new client

The clock ticks ever closer to the end of my current contract, and I still have nothing definite to do afterwards.

There is one guy who is supposed to be calling me back on what is a very hopeful lead, but still by no means guaranteed. I am still in denial, still quite chirpy, depsite my finigernails getting rapidly shorter.

I know that God has always sorted me out in the past, and I trust him. But there's always the slight anxiety that Christians are not exempt from times of trouble, and that while God helps them through those times, they are still trouble. Sleeping rough is still rough, even with the Lord's comfort!

So I pray that a definite new client will be found, so that I can pay my mortgage in March and not put my wife and kids into homelessness. But this is all part of my normal life adventure.

It would be very useful to get the contract mentioned, because it is on the same business park and I could stay in touch with the same workplace christian fellowship. But for tax purposes, a more remote client would be better.

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