Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Thursday, May 20

Joshua v Judges

I still read a bed-time story to my 10 year old. This may seem babyish, until I tel you we have been reading through the Message transation of the Bible, which while readable is still very much an adult version.

And it's good, making me read systematically too.

We have done Genesis, and Exodus, went for a lighter break to Esther, cut back to Joshua, and are now starting on Judges.

So how do I explain:

At the end of Joshua it makes plain that God has given all the land to Israel, driven out al their enemies, and fulfilled evry single one of his promises. THe at the start of Judges it makes plain that they haven't got al the land, the enemies are still there, and that he's not going to fufill all the promises owing to their disobedience?

Some of this can be explained by the chronological overlap of the books. BUt much seems like blatant contradiction.

Answers on a postcard please - or via the comments below.

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