Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Thursday, July 12


So I resent going on courses for my Readership – they erode my family time.

I had forgotten about last night’s Child Protection course, until Mrs reminded me in our lunch time phone call. So I had to go straight to the venue in the evening with no evening meal. Fortunately there was a kebab shop near the church.

The owner was very friendly, and after I had placed my order he said I should order the popular chicken kebab next time. This gave me the chance to say I don’t normally go that way since I am from ***town 20 miles away, I was just there for a Child Protection course at the church across the road, but would be back for “Vulnerable adults” next week and would order it then.

This lead on to a conversation. Being an Asian immigrant, his knowledge of Christianity seemed to be limited to the fact that some Bishops are not allowed to marry. And so, my kebab lead to that man having his first introduction to the faith, although it was based more on administration rather than theology and we didn’t have time to get on to who Jesus is. But I have an urge for a chicken kebab…..

There are so many people out there who need to know, and we sit in our little introspective holy huddle. Paul says “Make the most of every opportunity”. My Dad used to make me cringe by handing tracts to every shop keeper that served him. I need to find my way to communicate, and so do we all.

So here is my challenge to myself and every reader:

In the next five days tell one or two people outside your normal circle about Jesus, and report back via comments below.

I promise to pray at least once for each person.

1 comment:

  1. Number 1......Patrick saw an icon of the three angels visiting Abraham when we were searching my computer for an image of a particular weir at aprticular sewage works. I had to explain that in some theologies this incident represents the trinity.
