Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Monday, October 9

REaD#nnGz (Preparation)

Baby: this is all very confusing. Since the miscarriage, the cycle has not settled down, and we don’t know what day we should really do a pregnancy test. So therefore the fact that this morning’s test was negative doesn’t really prove anything. She feels that fertilisation took place and has some pregnancy symptoms, but we don’t really know. A period may start today, but if it doesn’t that doesn’t prove anything either. Who knows? Who knows?

Training: this week I did readings at Wednesday Evensong and at the harvest Communion on Sunday morning. Now this church boasts that it has everything prepared well in advance. So arriving for evensong with my readings rehearsed, I was told they had given me the wrong passage and so I had to read the correct passage unrehearsed, stumbling twice, and looking foolish through no fault of mine. Then on Sunday I arrived with no official function but had a Bible thrust in my hands and was asked to read to the main congregation for the first time. It was a familiar passage but an unfamiliar version, so again I stumbled and looked dumb simply because I wasn’t told before hand. These things would matter less in my own church which is much more of an informal family atmosphere, but in my placement church things are supposed to be done right and it does matter. Having got that off my chest, I actually connected with God during the service as I took communion – as I have often done in my own churches – but it was nice to get the same buzz here. I have finally made an appointment with the sacristan (?) and he will explain to me what all the stuff means. But he also revealed that he is a freemason (in addition to the other guy I told you about), and the way the conversation went I wasn’t too sure of he was recruiting me to the Oxford movement or to the freemasons. Pray for me to be open minded but not deceived.

Work: nothing to report. Just waiting for someone to sign a bit of paper.

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