Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Monday, November 20

Sunday 19th November

Morning - at my own church on deputy warden duty, and being accosted by angry fathers (see previous post!)

Evening - observed a Healing sevrice at my placement church.

There was very minimal Liturgy. There were long periods of silence. There were also times when the Vicar played choral music (Bach and Chopin) - very beautiful but you couldn't hear the wrods. It did create a good 'mood' though. (Isn't it the wild charismatics who are accused of manipulating the mood of the congregation with music?) After two short and very good adresses, there were prayers for all members of the church (and a few others) who were sick. Then there was an invitation for those present requiring healing to come to the altar rail (I thought this was the preserve of wild evangelicals?) where the Vicar and Reader layed hands on them and prayed.

In fact, I felt very comfortable and at home with the whole thing. and have no doubt taht God was present.

I can't say anyone threw their crutches away.

But then, I've never seen that at a wild charismatic healing meeting either. (Even though I have seen some very interesting 'before-' and 'after-' MRI scans, and known a guy who had to abandon his successful claim for compensation for asbestosis becasue he had been healed, but i wasn't present to witness it.)

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