Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Friday, March 23

Various threads of life have come together.

A lady from church has been struggling to find a new home, since the lease on her home has expired. The landlord wants to sell the property since there is a lot of work to do on it. However, the Landlord is he church, and the house is the former curatage, and so I, as a member of the PCC, am in effect evicting a struggling single Mum. This is far from ideal. But now, after much prayer, she has an almost certain offer of another home. Praise God!

Now, it gets complicated, because my wife found herself arriving at the school gate too early, and ended up sitting in a car with another Mum, also a member of the church. This Lady brought the news that another church member who owns several houses as a business, has offered to buy the curatage so that its tenant won’t have to move out.

So my wife friend said “Its funny how you pray for ages for something, and then two come at once. And you will have twins!”

So was this prophetic, that God knows we want twins and sent us that message that he will answer our prayers, or are we still in fantasy land? Watch this space!

But the conversation went on, and it emerged that the friend is having serious marital problems owing to her husband’s involvement with pornography. And so my wife was then able to use her experience (and regreatbaly my name) to support this other woman.

Plus I should have mentioned that the tenant was my cell group leader that I have been complaining bout in my previous more selfish posts after our miscarriage. And so I am better placed to understand why she didn’t ‘perform’ at that time, and this has given opportunities for improved communication with her.

Also, the cell group finally got its act together and sent us a card, so even my wife has accepted that we must forgive.

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