Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Thursday, May 24

Tight schedule

This Sunday - lead 9:30 service (Technically 'Lead worship', which we rightly take to mean the whole service, but I omit the word 'worship' to avoid you thinking I am running a singalong, as some peolpe seem to think worship is limited to)

Next Sunday - lead intercessions at 9:30 service.

Following Sunday - lead 9:30 service, distribute comunion at 11:00 service, preach at 6:30 service.

Have I done enough preparation? No

The sermon is on Phillipians 4 v think of something original to say about Euodia and Syntyche for the regulars, while covering the basics for new people, and while not getting too focused on the famous bits of the passage since there is other stuff there too. Plus, make it lively enough for the youth targeted by the service without losing the older people who come.

1 comment:

  1. Who would be a preacher?! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I've been a long-time lurker, but Technorati has exposed me!

    The sermons that appear on All The Scriptures can also be found in my main blog - try the sermon tab, or by clicking on the title of the individual Bible book, should you wish to see any of them.

    Thanks for adding a link to my blog - I shall do likewise... probably should have done beforehand, but I'm not great at updating link lists.

    God bless you. You and your family are in my prayers at this time. Remember Daniel - the angel was sent as soon as he had started praying, because his prayer was indeed heard. Our God is faithful.
