Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Thursday, October 1

Vision team

We have a Vision team at my church. It is a fledgling, embryonic group, still trying to determine it's terms of reference and what it is for. But generally, it is there to listen to God and hearing from him, take the vision to to the PCC for approval and implementation.

Someone foolish nominated me to be on this team, so I foolishly accepted.

The trouble is, I don't really do vision. I do following. Not initiative.

So I was moaning to my wife about this. And she pointed out that I have a heart for the church to be taught the scriptures. Well, I suppose I do in a rather apathetic sort of way. And I pointed out to my wife that if she has to tell me what my vision is, surely that proves in a slightly comical wat the point that I don't really have 'vision'.

Went to the next meeting of the team and as usual got the time wrong and had half an hour to spare. So I spent this time developing the vision for the church my wife told me was my vision for the church, and actually came up with some good stuff.

Then I started to present this to the meeting, and was basically told 'we're not at that stage yet, we're still working out what WE are here for'. So I'm wrong again. So much for 'Vision'!

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