Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Thursday, April 7

Honesty box

There’s an honesty box in the office kitchen for people to put money in. So they want honest people to put money in. Honest people to do the opposite of dishonest people. That’s what the ‘dis’ bit means. So, if they want honest people to put money in and they want them to do the opposite of dishonest people, this means that they must want dishonest people to take money out. After all, if dishonest people did leave the money there then the honest people, doing the opposite, would have to NOT leave it there (and take it out). So one way or another, they want either the honest people or the dishonest people to take money out. And if they want people to take money out, I’d better go for my share now before its too late.

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