Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Thursday, July 27

Thanks! (I mean it)

My thanks to all who prayed for me for assistance in my Anabaptists project. I delivered the final presentation last night, in the context of our house group. My wife and eldest son came for support, and there was a good number there even though most of the church is away at camp this week. We had some healthy debate without coming to blows, we had a good laugh, and every body went home feeling uplifted. Not least me, since the feedback was all positive.

So, thanks everyone!

Execution of Jean de Leye,
leader of the Münster Anabaptists,
in 1536German engraving
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris

This means that i have finished the academic part of my course. In September I start a three month placement at an Anglcian Chruch of a different tradition to my own. I have chosen a local 'Oxford Movement' church, which will be very challenging for me. Apparently they use the liturgy properly there - at my own church we rarely get it off the bookshelf. Then I will have a couple more year group meetings before my licensing ceremony in march next year.

At least the hard part of gruelling study is passed and I can say hello to my wife and children again.

Thanks again for your prayer and support.


  1. Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

  2. Wow from the Anabaptists to the Oxford Movement thats quite a journey... I hope you have fun there!

  3. Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
