Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Sunday, December 31

Quick update

Pregnancy: Mrs is having strong morning sickness - not at all fun, but it makes her happy to know she is still pregnant. we will soon get a date for the first scan, at which we will find out of she is getting her hearts desire of twin girls. Lets not get over-optimistic, lets keep our feet on the ground, lets remember that many faithful Christians have asked God for twins (or any baby) and not received it. But we do have a good God and we keep asking.

Training: Finished my placement project. This was quite hard, as it had to be signed by the Vicar of the placement church, so I hd to be more diplomatic than I felt. However, he seemed quite pleased with my 7000 word report. I then discovered the guidance note which said I should only have writrten 1500 words. Oh well...

Prayer Request: I can't give details but there is a fly in the ointment which may prevent me from becoming a Reader all. I can't imagine God has brought me this far for nothing, but he does occasionally bring us down just to remind us who is in charge, before lifting us up again with even greater blessing (like Job). But please pray that He will take me along the easy path!

Work: Having a great holiday. Would have been better if I had submitted my timesheet last week so that I would have got paid this Friday. Getting ready for the lunchtime Alpha course. I was supposed to be printing the posters over the holiday, but I'm not clear about the details, and it is all going wrong. Please pray for this too. please pray also for a friend who is not allowed to advertise her work place christian fellowship in case it upsets the muslims in her company and its clients.

Car Tax: well I got all the paper work through at last, but not before I got fined £40.

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