Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Tuesday, January 9

Hi I'm back

Well back for now anyway. Life is still very full.

Mrs is still strongly pregnant, with loads of morning sickness etc, but is suffering a few small bleeds. in the past these have always heralded the doom of the pregnancy, but we feel so strongly that this is the Lord's will that we still hold hope.

At work I am busy with engineering projects which leaves little time for blogging. Following the success fo our Carol service we are starting an Alpha course next week. Please pray that people will come and find the Lord Jesus.

I wrote the ideas below before I received a letter from my MP, which basically demonstrated that there are exemptions to the SORs for churches, etc, and so I have typed a whole rant for nothing. Apologies to all! I will scan the MPs letter for you on Thursday if I get a chance.

A dark day for the UK today with the Sexual Orientation Regulations. Thyey were originaly introduced through the back door without proper consultation. An attempt to annul them in Northern Ireland was defeated by one party using the vote of a deceased member. And in the hosue of Lords today the english objectors were overruled. The regulations in themselves are well intentioned, and I would support their intent, but they have been taken to far. A Church that now declines to hire out its hall to a gay group on the grounds that their objectives are not compatible with the church's theology can now be fined large sums of money. The pastor/Vicar would also be fined personally. This clearly exchanges one oppression for another. Fair enough, in society at large, let people do as they will. But why should we be forced to let them do and say things that we object to on our property? Why should people be forced to do things that are contrary to their religion? Next Buckingham Palace will be forced to sell anarchist flags in its gift shop. It seems to me that politicians are even more frightened of the gay lobby than they are of Islamic fundamentalism.

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