Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Wednesday, January 10

Pink is the new Black

I wrote the ideas below before I received a letter from my MP, which basically demonstrated that there are exemptions to the SORs for churches, etc, and so I have typed a whole rant for nothing. Apologies to all! I will scan the MPs letter for you tomorrow if I get a chance.

There was a time when Racism was part of our institutional culture. Laws were passed to protect ethnic minorities. Equality ensued. But of course, there is always the tendancy for the pendulum to swing to far, and for some time it seemed that it was imossible to sack a black person because it would be deemed to be racist. Even now, if a person states to the British police that he/she has been the victim of a racial incident, it is recorded as a racial incident, regardless of whether it really was. The vast majority of people in any ethnic groups do not use the race card to their advantage, but some do.

We now have the sexual orientation regulations. And in just the same way I predict that the pendulum will swing too far, and that some militant gay activists (as opposed to the vast majority of basically decent folk who just happen to be genetically gay) will target religious organisations to provoke them into stating their religious beliefs, and then they will accuse them of homophobia, and basically decent folk who happen to be genetically religious (yes gentically - see BBC article here)
will be in trouble with the law.

In fact, because it does not unanimously condone gay 'marriage', the Church of England, with the Queen at its head and its Bishops in the House of Lords, is now basically an illegal organisation.

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