My 16 year old son, in a philosophical moment says: “You know Dad, as soon as you understand a rule, it doesn’t apply any more.”
He started with these ideas in an English lesson, where having been taught the rules of writing poetry, he observed that the best poets ignore the rules. As soon as you understand what the rules are for, you know when it OK to break them.
But he extended this to life in general, and we had a deep chat, in which I forget what was him and what was me. But think about it.
As soon as you understand the 30mph speed limit in British urban areas - the risk of an accident and the immeasurable consequences of killing a child – as soon as you understand this you don’t dare drive faster than 25mph. The rule doesn’t apply anymore.
Applying this now to spiritual things; in the Bible we read: “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15. (I’m sure there’s a better one of these that talks about servants and sons, but I can’t find it.). The point is, the servant has to obey rules. He doesn’t know what is going on, he just follows the rules and it all works out OK, or disobeys and gets punished. But the friends do know what is going on, and having a common cause, work towards its fulfilment. They have no need of rules, because they are doing what the rules would have made them do anyway. In fact, the rules would just cramp their style, and as friends they are free to work towards the common purpose, in consultation but not really under authority.
So in the old testament the house of faith was characterised as a servant, following all the OT rules and regulations.
But in the new testament, we are no longer under the OT law. We have been made sons of God. His interest is our interest. Our will is aligned with his. He communes with us in Spirit. So while the NT is full of commands, they are commands which are in line with our new nature and we are doing it anyway.
All things are permissible. We want to build with Christ according to his pattern. So of course, there is a blanket permission for us to do so.
Great principle.
- See also David eating the Shewbread.
- See also eating meat sacrificed to idols.
- See also meat containing blood
- See also eating with gentiles
- See also Peter’s vision of the unclean animals.
- See also circumcision
- See also tithing
But lets look at some rules, that might not apply as “rules” when we understand what they are getting at:
- conservative approaches to women in the church:
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man” 1 Tim 2:12
“If a woman prays or prophesies with her head uncovered ….1 Cor 11:5.”
“a woman must remain silent” 1 Tim 2:12 - Relationships
“…homosexual offenders….will not inherit the kingdom of God” [though I dispute that translation of arsenokoitai] 1 Cor 6
No sex before marriage ( a principle derived from several scriptures) - Church traditions
Only ordained priests can preside at the eucharist (No scriptures for this man-made tradition!)
Holy days (Rom 14:5)
Any more suggestions?