Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Sunday, February 1

Faith Healing

I was talking to one of the newer ladies at church today. She has recently been introduced to the church through our Mums and Toddlers group. I noticed that he two year old daughter wears glasses and I was asking about it. Apparently it was a very rare condition - she gave me the name beginning with A twice but I can't remember - a condition which is genetic and "will only get worse." She had been struggling to cope emotionally with her daughter having the condition, which is why she had started coming to church to seek support.

She said that the last time she went to the hospital, there had been some kind of commotion amongst the various doctors and consultants, who were fussing over the test results, and she worried that something was seriously wrong. But eventually they came to her and said there had been a 30% improvement in the girls condition, which as I have said 'can only get worse'. This was an enigma for the doctors. But not for the church - it turns out that the church's prayer/healing team has already spent time with her, praying for the daughter. So clearly, a miracle has taken place.

We don't know why it was not a 100% healing, but continue to pray.

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