Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Sunday, February 1

God's word to me

After doing the largely academic phase of my study of the theology of homosexuality, and coming largely to the conclusion that we have misread the scriptures and that the awkward verses of the Bible do not in fact ban homosexual acts, and having come to the conclusion that 'one flesh' can and does apply to homosexual relationships, I then set my studies before God. I placed them in front of his eyes for his perusal. I prayed:

"Lord I have come to the limit of my human understanding, and of my ability to make a decision based on reason. I now ask you to give me a divine revelation, and to show me which way I should go. I won't look for that revelation, since I will be reading into everything the answer I want."

I didn't give any timescale for an answer - its not for me to dictate such terms to God. But I was basically hoping it would come within a week. I was expecting a prophetic word from someone, or for something to jump out and surprise me.

My complete falling-out with my friend in America made me think it was a negative answer, but then I felt that was from the devil rather than from God, and this seemed to be corroborated by our reconcilaition. So the row ended up neutral in terms of guidance, and I was still searching.
In tonight's evening service the sermon was about simple prayers and simple answers. So I asked again. And then the final song said it all. Of course I can't remember what the song was! But it was a song celebrating the creation, and how each star is known by name. Who can question the individuality that God has built into his creation? I don't expect my reades to fnd this convinceing because God's word is personal - as Aslan ould say "that's not your story". But it was the answer to my question. God has made homosexual people as they are, and celebrates them that way. I now wish to join in that celebration.

I am still cautious about this, I may still be wrong. I am too scared to keep asking God for comfirmation, but it is such a big issue that I am really terrified of going wrong. But for now, until God directs me otherwise, I accept homosexual relationships as I do hetersexual ones. And if I am wrong, well the Lord knows I am wrong for the right reasons.

1 comment:

  1. Gideon was allowed to ask twice!

    (I think you've come to the right place though, FWIW.)
