Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Tuesday, June 13

My calculations were right!

I have to show you this photo. I spent about three months calculating predicted water levels and the balance of flows across three detritors in a sewage treatment works. There was also two flumes,a hunting penstock controlling a storm weir, three escalator fine screens, 4 submersible pumps, and three coarse screens. I looked at storm flows, full flow to treatment, dry weather flow, and maintenance conditions, as well as those awkwrd flows where it changes from duty to duty and assist. We then arranged for a 1:10 scale model to be built, and the results were within 5% of my calculations. It's nice to get a 'Good boy' letter from the company's higher echelons and directors occasionally.

1 comment:

  1. St. Simon ...
    i just wanted to reply to you (but no email was given) ... i've posted your comment more appropriately to my 'jesus idol' blog ( under my blog entitled, 'i am' the resurrection ... "located at"...

    thanks for commenting though ... i appreciate your thoughts although i have some fundamental differences in my opinion than you, i am still learning and growing ...

    here is my response to your comment below ...

    whilst the bible says jesus said 'i am the way... ' he used the term 'i am' which has an esoteric meaning that does not mean 'i, this man you call jesus, is the way' ... but rather 'i am' or 'the god within us all' is the way (and, i am afraid, that is still an inadequate way to describe that very powerful concept).

    jesus lived in his own unique 'i am' to fulfill his destiny ... that is our way to god ... our own unique 'i am' that will lead us to god.

    i disagree that the good news is a relationship with god in jesus ... the good news is that everyone can have the relationship with god that jesus had ... that is power, that is love, that is truth ... jesus was a man like you and me. if not, god is cruel and the bible makes no sense whatsoever. if i am not a child of god too, what am i?

    the bible was designed to make sure that most people do not understand that we are children of god like jesus was; that we too have the power of god that we can call on and use; that we can choose to embody the christ consciousness at any moment in time ... jesus wasn't trying to teach dependency on him for our relationship with god, but rather independence and freedom.

    as for paul ... i was referring to all the text referenced in the post as being authored by paul ... did he condone killing and murdering people after his conversion? i do not recall any, but there are a lot of christians here in america who use his words (and that of the other new testament writers) to justify just that. the bible was constructed by constantine for the maximization of control of the people. it has been used and re-translated to that end ever since.

    the bible is NOT the word of god, but, as paul wrote, it is a scripture that is inspired by god that is profitable for several things ... man designed it to be profitable for their own agenda. there is no other evidence that the bible constructed by constantine is anything more than a 'scripture' like many others, and its weight should be accepted accordingly.

    peace & harmony,
    'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'


    I just spotted a comment you left on the supposed President Ahmedinajad blog. Whilst concurring about the "madness of 'king' George", I have to take issue with two pints in your comment.

    First, "Jesus was the teacher, not the apostles". Whereas Buddha says don't follow me follow my teaching, Jesus says "follow me". He does not say "I will show you the way, the truth and the life", he says "I am the way, the tructh and the life". The Gospel is not about Jesus and his teaching, the Gospel IS Jesus. Jesus IS the Gospel. He does not bring a message of love from God - he IS a message of love from God. Christianity is not a doctrine or a code of ethics, its the re-establishment of a relationship with God in Jesus. (The ethics flow naturally from this).

    Secondly, where does Paul justify killing people for their faith after his conversion?
