Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Monday, July 29

Feeling the touch

Sunday church was fairly normal in many ways.  'Normal' in this context is not a negative word - it was a good sermon on repentance.  Several people we had not seen in a while were there.   All good normal stuff.

As I was singing the final songs, I was tapped on the shoulder.

The prayer team was busy in the back corner with respondents.  But it was an all-famale prayer team, and a man had come for prayer.  For the sake of propriety, someone his own gender should be present while he was prayed for (we do this the other way round, too).  So one of the ladies and I prayed with him.  He wanted physical ealing.  The lady prayed first, then me.

Now, I've been in this situation many times, and prayed perfectly competently, if not spectacularly.  Today was different.  I really felt an excitement while the lady was praying, and then when I prayed it came a a strong prayer fo faith.  The man made no claim to being healed (it was one of these more hidden long-term things where he would need a doctor to observe any change), but I felt really weird.  I cold not go straight back to my seat, but lingered on the way, praying aloud in tongues (the music was still going), and my legs could not keep still - I had to shift from one to the other.  Basically, it was the Holy Spirit.  Although I do get emotional when i feel the touch of God, I am not normally given to physical manifestations.  And it wasn't something psychological - as I say it was a normal service and I ahve done praying for people before - there was no external reason why I should feel it this time.  So I believe that it was God coming on me. 

I just hope the Spirit didn't get stuck on me when it was supposed to pass on to the man!

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