Photo credits

The Embalse de Riano in northern Spain. The picture was taken by .... me!

Monday, March 3

I've been exposed

I have been sussed out at work. They have seen through me. I was taken into an office on Friday and asked;
Why my projects take so long?
Why I make so many simple errors?
Why I don’t self check/
Why I don’t do what I have been asked repeatedly to do?
Why when they come to my desk it is never work displayed on the screen?


Truth is – I am guilty in all ways as charged.

Concentration is hard. I wander off to the drinks machine or to read/write blogs
I am always tired
I have a busy domestic life.
I often don’t sleep well.
I am lazy
I would prefer to do anything except work.
As a freelancer, I always have administration to do and worries about next year’s tax regime and how to set up my business to meet those challenges.
Because I can’t do it at home, I do it at work.
This is seriously damaging my witness in the office.

Last night I asked the Vicar for prayer, and he was very good. But here I am, doing it again.

I have dealt with other addictions in my life. It looks like this is the next issue. War is declared, but will I be victor or casualty? Please pray.

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